Perry Historical Museum

Fundraiser in August

Our August 5th Chinese Auction and Plant Sale was a very successful fundraiser for the Historical Society. We would like to thank the individuals and businesses who donated goods and services and cash for making the auction baskets. Thank you to the nurseries who donated the nursery stock for the plant sale. We can not thank our volunteers enough for their hard work making the day a success. Finally, thank you to everyone who came to the Auction and bought tickets, plants, food and yard sale items to make our fundraiser a success. Please mark your calendars and join us next year on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.Chinese Auction Fundraiser.

Closed for Thanksgiving

Thursday 23rd to Monday 27th November

We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Museum will be closed Saturday, 1/13/2024

We apologize for the inconvenience