The Perry Historical Museum at 3885 Main St. Perry, Ohio, holds a collection of artifacts including those of military, schools, vintage clothing and items from the day to day lives of former Perry residents.
You may visit the Museum during the regular open hours on Saturdays or by contacting the Historical Society by clicking the button below for an appointment.
Using the archives in the workroom is a benefit of your membership and is free to members. The files in the workroom contain information on families, homes, schools and businesses of Perry. There is also a collection of material on the nurseries of Perry. The workroom has a collection of school yearbooks and other information on Perry schools. The Perry Public Library has a link to an online webpage of Perry yearbooks:
All research is done by appointment only by contacting the Society by clicking the button below. There is a fee of $10.00 per session for non-members use of the workroom and Museum for research. There is a copy machine available for your use.
The Perry Historical Society accepts items and information for inclusion in the Museum and the archives in the workroom. The Society collects items relating to the history of Perry Township, North Perry and Perry Village. This includes any item that relates to the social, political, economic and cultural development of the Perry area as well as items owned, created or manufactured by Perry residents. The Museum curators will decide if items will be accepted into the Museum collection.
Objects and documents must meet certain criteria before being accepted by the Historical Society:
To start the donation process, please email the curators by clicking the button below. Please include your name and contact information, a description of the items, any background information and a photo if possible.
3885 Main Street, Perry, Ohio 44081
Manchester West School Module
4261 Manchester Ave., Perry, Ohio 44081
(440) 259-4541
Saturday from 12.00pm to 3.00pm
Workroom and Archives Hours - by appointment only
10.00am on the second Saturday at the Manchester Ave. workroom
P.O. Box 216, Perry, Ohio 44081
2024-2025 Officers & Trustees
Michael Barrett – President
Jack Kless – Vice President
John Hise – Secretary
Carolyn Coatoam – Treasurer
Carolyn Coatoam – Membership
Don Densmore – Trustee
Ken Smith – Trustee
Diane Wolff – Trustee
John Hise – Museum Committee
Michael Barrett – Museum Committee
Holly Egolf – Museum Committee
Diane Wolff – Museum Committee
Ken Arnold – Museum Committee
3885 Main Street, Perry, Ohio 44081
Manchester West School Module
4261 Manchester Ave., Perry, Ohio 44081
(440) 259-4541
Saturday from 12.00pm to 3.00pm
Workroom and Archives Hours - by appointment only
10.00am on the second Saturday at the Manchester Ave. workroom
P.O. Box 216, Perry, Ohio 44081
2024-2025 Officers & Trustees
Michael Barrett – President
Jack Kless – Vice President
John Hise – Secretary
Carolyn Coatoam – Treasurer
Carolyn Coatoam – Membership
Don Densmore – Trustee
Ken Smith – Trustee
Diane Wolff – Trustee
John Hise – Museum Committee
Michael Barrett – Museum Committee
Holly Egolf – Museum Committee
Diane Wolff – Museum Committee
Ken Arnold – Museum Committee
Thursday 23rd to Monday 27th November
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We apologize for the inconvenience